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 [Read before posting] Application Form & Rules

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Number of posts : 631
Age : 35
Location : France
PSN : x-DeSTrOYeR-™
XBL : Srl Killer
Clan : Twisted Metal
Registration date : 2009-01-28

[Read before posting] Application Form & Rules Empty
PostSubject: [Read before posting] Application Form & Rules   [Read before posting] Application Form & Rules EmptyWed Feb 11, 2009 2:21 am

Last Edit : Because of multiple incidents with a few members from the clan, we're now only accepting "16+" persons


As you can see you can make a recruiting demand directly in this section.
However, if you really want to get all the chances to be accepted in our clan, we're asking you to make a complete application, following the elements right below.
You have the right to only fill these informations, but we'd rather want you to make a summary with sentences and a correct expression.

Be careful, if you don't show any interests, the clan Leader (or the forum mods) have the right to decline your demand immediately.
If your application is enough convincing and original, and if you stay active on the forum, then you'll have the possibility to show us what you can do in-game.
In the case you're still inactive 1 week after having posted your demand, we will automatically reject it.


-Languages you speak (a fluent English is necessary)
-What kind of person are you ?


-Favourite game (or serie of games)
-Past online games
-Past clans
-Currently playing
-Number of gaming hours per day
-Do you play for fun, which means you don't care about the results, or at the opposite, are you always trying to get the best stats, whatever the cost ? (a moderate answer is accepted)
-Do you often talk into your headset ?

TM Clan

-Where have you heard of us ?
-Why do you think TM is different than other clans ?
-Why do you want to join ? (the fact that TM is a good clan is not a proof of your interest for us)
-What can you bring to TM, except one more member ?

-You probably had another clan before TM, which means you betrayed it, but what makes you think you're gonna be loyal with us ?
-When you lose a game, what is your reaction ?
-Sometimes, we're moving to other games : would you be ready to follow your partners even if you hadn't plan to buy this game ?

-During the games, we like to have some fun, so do you have a funny story for us ?


Note : You may ask "I'm new, how can I be active on the forum whereas I only know a few of you ?".
Well it's very simple, you can for example post in the "Entertainment" section, discuss about what you like/dislike or even join the exciting discussions we have with UnK and Eurofighter in the "General Discussion" section Smile.

Good luck to you,
DeSTrOYeR, forum mod
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